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Impact AI Team

Introducing Impact AI!

Today, at the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE), we’re announcing the launch of a new project Impact AI. Practical, accessible and easy to understand training, courses and tools for social ventures to get the most out of AI. 


All for a very simple reason – AI will have a transformative effect on our work, livelihoods and society. Wherever it goes next, we know it needs to benefit society. The social sector, often supporting and representing those most marginalised in our communities, needs to have its voice and its part. 

Civil Society risks being left behind 

Since ChatGPT first made its way into the mainstream 18 months ago, there has been significant coverage on the power AI has in changing the way we work. This has also been felt across the social sector. With this year’s Charity Skills Report, we know appetite is high. 78% of charities agree that AI is relevant to their charity and could transform it yet we also know that 73% of charities say they don’t feel prepared to respond to the opportunities and challenges it brings. This is reflected in take-up as the figure below shows. 


“Fewer than one in four charities are adopting/planning to use AI compared to nearly two-thirds of private sector organisations.”

Private-sector companies are investing time, resources and training into embedding AI into their organisations. While the willingness is there for charities and social organisations, the biggest reason for low take-up, as always, comes down to lack of time and resources.  

The transformative impact AI can have on a social organisation’s is huge. From the basic: taking minutes, drafting blogs, optimising web copy. To the complex: onboarding staff, analysing trends in beneficiary data, writing fundraising bids. Yet, the worry is that while private sector organisations innovate, change their practice and training – the social sector gets left behind. 


Cutting through the noise for social organisations to learn AI 

Impact AI, powered by SSE, exists to make AI accessible, simple and easy to use for social ventures through practical training and tools. 

For those interested in learning how to use AI, the quantity of information has exponentially grown. Hundreds of self-serve AI tutorials and guides have popped up. The amount of noise coupled with hype has become overwhelming and therefore a non-starter for many. Some, though are of outstanding quality. The best we know is 100 Days of AI by Max Haining. He’s done a fantastic job in creating bitesize learning content. 

However, the majority of resources on the market are not tailored for Civil Society. For social entrepreneurs, charity leaders and community organisation intrapreneurs.   With SSE’s 27-year track record of supporting social organisations learn and grow – Impact AI is specifically designed for this group.  

We know the sector is time-poor and juggling many priorities jumping from supporting frontline communities to planning funding bids, to measuring impact to much more. 

Each Impact AI course and tool, powered by SSE, will be designed to be as practical and usable for social organisations as soon as possible. Grounded in real-life experience rather than theory.

Impact AI will be relationships-based. It's not about a buzzy new tool but rather the power AI can have in supporting communities.  

We also know there are digital skills shortages in the social sector and each of our training courses will be accessible for those of any technological background. You could be an AI beginner and you will leave our courses with practical take-aways and tools you can use straight away. 

Leveraging SSE’s learning approach, we’re excited to support social organisations harness the best of AI. 


Is AI Good? 

Any discussion on AI, we need to consider the ethics: the moral implications, risks of exploitation and being channeled to further exacerbate inequality. These are big and complex questions. While this won’t be Impact AI’s main area of focus, we will be learning too and feeding into these discussions and debates.  

For those interested, the work Joseph Rowntree Foundation are exploring around this space is key. Acting as an inquisitive explorer, they are looking at the potential for AI for Public Good – bringing together cross-sector thinkers to analyse not just the technology but the power dynamics, values and relationships it throws up. Learn more about JRF’s work here


Let’s make Impact with AI 

We’re launching as we’re learning. With a ‘build in public’ mentality, we’re excited to share new offerings, insights and challenges over the coming year.  

We’ll soon be updating with our first webinar and courses. Do sign up below and watch this space! Also, to learn more please do email the team Robin, Blue and Mark at

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